AgTech innovation in Australia
Agriculture is one of Australia’s biggest industries, accounting for over half of the country’s land use. Its sustainable management is important to farming businesses and is also of concern for the government, economy and general public.

Adapt to the challenges of today
Agriculture contributes to Australia’s domestic production and export industry. In 2022–23 it was responsible for 2.7% of value added (GDP) and 2.2% of employment. As a growing industry, agricultural producers face existing and emerging challenges, including increasing climate variability and mounting environmental, social and governance pressures.
Prepare for a productive tomorrow
We’re providing our customers with the most advanced agricultural technology. High-tech greenhouses help farmers overcome climate, sustainability, land management and transport challenges, while preparing for a secure and productive future.

Manage climate risk and variability
Australian agricultural producers face a highly variable climate (Keogh 2012). Our greenhouses shelter crops from the elements to remove risk from planning, ensuring consistent, high-quality produce. Using GreenPlus greenhouses, farmers can confidently grow a reliable yield all year round.
Adapt to increasing policy and ESG pressures
Rising share of national emissions will increase pressure to change agricultural production systems and invest in reducing emissions. Governments, including in Australia, are considering mandatory adoption of reporting standards for business, relating to climate risk and sustainability criteria (CCA 2022; WEF 2023). GreenPlus high-tech greenhouses ensure crop producers make a positive impact on the environment and their business.

Advancing Protected Cropping Research
One of the ways we’re fostering sustainable agricultural practices in Australia is through the groundbreaking Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) we signed with The University of Queensland (UQ). This collaboration aims to propel protected cropping research and foster growth within the protected cropping industry in the country through:

Propelling protected cropping research and foster growth within the protected cropping industry
Working collaboratively to explore study tours and trade visits to Korean-protected cropping projects
Facilitating the design and development of cutting-edge protected cropping components